My Greatest Discovery

For over 20 years, I felt desperate to find relief from the mental and emotional pain that caused my depression. First, I turned to drugs and alcohol. These things gave me temporary relief, but I would cycle back to depression every time. Then, I added talk therapy, psychiatrists, self-help books, anti-depressants, anti-psychotics, running and juicing. These tools gave me longer periods of relief, but I would always end up depressed again.

It was when I started yoga that I had my greatest discovery. Yoga is a great work out, but it wasn’t the movement alone that changed my life, it was the stillness. After doing a one-hour yoga class, there is a ten-minute block of time at the end of class called, Savasana. Sitting for ten minutes in silence would have been torture, but after moving my body and breathing deeply for 50 minutes, I had released so much energy, that the time felt calm and peaceful. It was inside that peace that I finally recognized and connected with the voice of my soul. I could hear my soul, not through spoken words, but through feelings in my heart.

At the time, I barely believed in God, but that changed when I felt my soul. I knew God existed, not because of some book or because someone told me, but because I could feel I was connected to something much bigger than myself. I could feel God in my Soul. I didn’t feel God as a person, but as an unconditionally loving energy that felt connected to all things. I love this feeling!

Then, I started to discern the difference between the thoughts in my mind and the feelings in my heart, and they did not line up. My mind would say awful things about myself and others, but my heart felt only love toward myself and others.

So, one day I decided to just listen to the feelings in my heart, and anytime I had a negative or disempowering thought, I would replace it with a positive or empowering thought from my soul. I decided to try this for 30 days, but it only took 3 days for me to experience a drastic change in my mental state. After 3 days, I did NOT feel any depression, only hope. By the end of the 30 days, my life had changed so much for the better, I knew I would never go back. I knew I would never be depressed again, and that was 5 years ago.

Every morning I would take a few minutes to tune into my soul. I felt so empowered, as I watched my life change and align with unconditional love. I lost 30 pounds without going on a diet, my excess weight released itself as I became more and more peaceful and coherent. All of my relationships changed for the better, as I became more present and loving.

Most importantly, I learned how to heal my emotional pain and take full responsibility for myself. I literally stepped off the hamster wheel of my life, and onto the path of my Soul’s Purpose. My life used to be a wheel of distractions. Now, I am walking in peace, feeling centered, mindful, heartful, and soulful, as I take on my life’s challenges.

This shift happened for me 5 years ago. Every morning I feel into my connection with my Soul and dedicate myself to live in service to All. I have experienced that my greatest joy is when I am in service. So, it turns out, that my Greatest Discovery brought me my Greatest Joy!