Week 3 – Observer Mode

  • Tool for impulse control and stress.
  • Observer Mode can also be called, Compassionate Witness.
  1. Deep Breaths – Option: Breathe in to the count of 3, exhale to the count of 5
  2. Repeat calmly to yourself, “I am calm”, until you feel calm.
  3. Understanding it’s okay to feel uncomfortable, it’s only temporary, Repeat steps 1 and 2 until you can be in a quiet place.
  4. In a quiet place, preferably by yourself, close your eyes, while continuing to take slow, deep breaths. Then, imagine yourself outside yourself, looking in.
  5. Without a story attached to why you feel the way you do … just notice/observe yourself.
  6. Notice/Observe how your body feels. Where do you feel pressure, uncomfortable, and/or pain? Where do you feel calm, relaxed, and open?
  7. Notice/Observe your mind. How fast are your thoughts? How loud or intense do your thoughts feel? Are your thoughts positive or negative?
  8. Notice/Observe your emotion. What emotion do you feel? Examples: Anger, sadness, fear, disconnected, or a mixture.
  9. Now ask yourself, “What need or preference is not being met?”
  10. Without blaming anyone or needing something or someone outside of yourself to change – How can you make things better for yourself?

Week 3 Journal

Journal about your experiences with Observer Mode this week. Did it help in a stressful situation? What clarity did you find? Was it difficult to do? Did it get easier the more you tried?