Week 1 Part 1 – What is God?

There are so many feelings and opinions on what God is, but the only thing that matters is what you think! What we don’t want is confusion. It’s important to explore and feel what God is to you, and what your personal relationship with God is. Why is this important? Because, when we can connect with our Source, we strengthen our Core Self, and create peace and joy for ourselves and others. I will offer that God is Unconditional Love. God is not a man in the sky, but the Eternal energy of Unconditional Love, Unconditional Forgiveness, Positive Creation, Nature, and Unity Consciousness (We are All One). When we connect with these aspects we connect with God. When we explore and strengthen our relationship with these aspects, we build trust with God. Talk to God like your best friend. Don’t make things complicated or too serious, and connect with God the way you feel led to.

The following poem was inspired by this question, “What is God?”

I Am
I am the song of a bird, and the wind that carries it away
I am a cloud in the bright blue sky, and I relax above a lively playground filled with happy children
I am the laughter from a child, the uncontrollable giggle, that seems to last forever
I am the sea gull flying by, and my favorite thing in the world is this moment, as I glide through the wind, how amazing the wind feels under my wings
I am the wind, and I race over the sand dunes, stirring the sand, carving a path, down to the water
I am the smooth inside of a conch shell, and I echo the wind against my body
I am first light, over the ocean, I am the ray of sun that stretches and reaches across the water, and then I scatter myself like spilt glitter, I am the blanket of glittering light dancing on the stage of dark blue water
I am the dark, I am the dark night sky, and I get to hold all of the stars, I feel so lucky, I wish everyone could feel this lucky
I am inspiration, I am the inspiration that runs through a great poet, I am the pen, I am the paper, I am the words that line up on the page, then I am read, and I become inspiration once again……..
I am unconditional love, my language is love and there is no word for hurt
I am forgiveness and then I am forgetfulness, I only remember what love was, and I only see what love can be
I am the song of the bird, I am eternal, and I am free.

Week 1 Journal Part 1

I encourage you to explore and feel into what God is to you. Enjoy connecting with God in your own way. You might go to your favorite local place in nature with the intention to connect to God. Write about your feelings towards God, positive or negative. Write down questions you have, and where you want more clarity. Write about times in your life where you feel God or your Guardian Angels helped you.

Questions to Inspire You
1. What is God to you?
2. What is God’s presence in your life? Even though God may seem invisible, how is God visible in your life?
3. Are there any times you feel God or Guardian Angels helped you?
4. What are your questions for God?
5. How do you think/feel God would answer these questions?
6. Where in your life could you bring in more God?
7. If God (Unconditional Love) could talk to you, what would it say?